Remove dieselpump from donor-car
Attention: You will need donor-car's Security Code!
Car where donor-pump needs to be installed
Install dieselpump in the car
Set up communication with ECM
Select [Programming]
Select [Reset ECU]
Enter donor-car's Security Code
This will reset the previously learnt security code. Then, your engine ECU (which is inside the
pump) will be resetted, so you can learn it to the new car.
Set up communication with Immobilizer module
Select [Programming]
Enter Security Code of car where you have installed the dieselpump
Select [Immobilizer Function Programming]
Select [ECM (Motor Module) replaced]
This will learns the new Security Code to the engine control module.
Astra-G and Zafira-A can also be installed with a VP44/PSG5 for Y20DTH. These PSG5 units
don't need to be reset.
Vectra-C / Signum PSG16
Remove the diesel pump from donor-car
Attention: You will need donor-car's Security Code!
Car where donor-pump needs to be installed
Install diesel pump in the car
Set up communication with ECM
Select [Programming] Select [Reset ECU]
Enter donor-car's Security Code
This will reset the previously learnt security code. Then, your engine ECU (which is inside the
pump) will need to be reset, so you can learn it to the new car.
Set up communication with CIM module
Select [Programming]
Enter Security Code of car where you have installed the diesel pump
Select [Immobilizer Function Programming]
Select [ECM (Motor Module) replaced]
This will learns the new Security Code to the engine control module.
Reset immobilizer related controllers
Then, you need to go into each module, for which you have a corresponding fault code stored
in the CIM module (see below), and do a reset/programming cycle with the security code of
the car.
IPC Instrument B3925 -00 Wrong Environment Identifier Received IPC
REC Rear Electrical Centre B3929 -00 Wrong Environment Identifier
Received REC
BCM Body Control Module B3924 -00 Wrong Environment Identifier
Received BCM
DDM Driver Door Module B3926 -00 Wrong Environment Identifier Received
PDM Passenger Door Module B3927 -00 Wrong Environment Identifier
Received PDM
After the reset, you need to wait at least 10 seconds with the ignition OFF, to allow the car to
learn the new identifier.
Now select ECM and check programming of:
Highspeed CAN bus
Variant configuration